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Scappoose Fire District Burn Line 503-543-3590

Your name & address will not appear on your printed permit form, that's OK!

Your info will be sent to the database at Scappoose Fire and recorded.

This permit is only for residents in Scappoose Fire District.  

Our boundary is Slavens Road in Warren.  

For permits further north go to 

(503) 543-3590 - burn day information recording each day




For information on Outdoor Recreational Fires, click here!


Backyard burning within the Scappoose Fire District is controlled by permit in accordance with ORS 478.960. This is done to promote fire safety and education as well as smoke management. You can get your permit online here WWW.SRFD.US/OUTDOOR-BURN-REGULATIONS Or by calling (503) 543-5026. You can also visit the district office at 52751 Columbia River Highway during business hours.

Backyard burn permits apply to burn barrels and small piles only. Most permits are valid for one year. Burn day determination is made daily by 8:30 AM and posted on the burn information line at (503) 543-3590. No burning is allowed on NO BURN days and during the summer FIRE SEASON.
SRFD online permits - To apply for or renew your backyard burn permit:

1. Read all of the information provided below.
2. Agree to these terms of use by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.
3. Complete and submit the information requested on the following page.
4. Once submitted, you will be directed to your burn permit. You MUST print the page as it is your official permit valid immediately.

If you have difficulty with any of the above steps, please call our office at (503) 543-5026.
-You must have a valid burn permit on site and verify burn day status before burning begins.
-You may burn paper, cardboard and DRY yard debris only. NO garbage, plastic or noxious burning allowed.
-The fire must be attended at all times. You must have water and a fire tool (ie. shovel) at the burn site.
-Burn barrels shall have the proper wire mesh screen in place during use.
-Minimum 10 foot clearance around burning area. Minimum 20 foot from structures and vehicles.
-Burning shall be confined to daylight hours on designated burn days.
-No burning during FIRE SEASON usually June 15 through October 15.
-Permits do not relieve you of responsibility for damage as a result of fire escaping your burn area.
-The fire district retains the right to enter your property and inspect your burning operation and permit.
-Violations of these rules may be subject to written notice of violation and/or charge for fire extinguishment.

Illegal Burning:
>No valid burn permit on site.
>Burning after dark or on a NO BURN DAY.
>Burning during a closed FIRE SEASON, usually June 15 through October 15.
>Any fire that has escaped the original area and/or caused damage.
>Not complying with the minimum requirements/clearances in the above rules.
>Burning of commercial or industrial wastes (this includes construction debris).
>Any burning that causes obnoxious smoke and/or odors.
>Adding to or starting a burn pile near dusk.

Wet garbage, wet or dry grass, wet yard debris, plastic, wire insulation, automobile parts, asphalt, petroleum products, petroleum treated materials, rubber products, animal remains, animal or vegetable matter (resulting from handling, preparation, handling or cooking), any other material that produces dense smoke or noxious odors.

MULTNOMAH COUNTY RESIDENTS-call first to see if burning is allowed that day.  503-543-3590.
With a valid burn permit and when outdoor burning is allowed, Multnomah County allows backyard burning. Their season is typically from:
March 1st to June 15th
October 1st to December 15th     Always call first to see if it is a burn day!   Recorded burn message: 503-543-3590

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